About us

The project Climate Change: Understanding and Acting was initiated at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and is currently being further developed in cooperation with schools and committed teachers.



Dr. Cecilia Scorza (Projektleitung)

Dr. Cecilia Scorza (Project Leader)

Cecilia Scorza is an astrophysicist and coordinator of public relations and school offerings at the Faculty of Physics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. As initiator, she develops and coordinates the project Climate Change: Understanding and Acting.

From astronomy, I know how many events must have come together to create a habitable planet like Earth. That's why I want to do my part to protect it.


Prof. Harald Lesch

Prof. Harald Lesch

Harald Lesch is professor of astrophysics at Ludwig Maximilian University, professor of philosophy at the Hochschule für Philosophie in Munich, and a science journalist. In his lectures, he shows how basic research is providing increasingly better insights into the laws of nature.

The causes of global warming have long been known, a complete transformation to renewable energies must follow!


Philipp Schmidbauer

Philipp Schmidbauer studies physics and mathematics at the LMU. As a climate ambassador, he conducts workshops at schools for students.

The fact that students not only hear about climate change, but can research, experiment and discuss it themselves, offers the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of climate change and to recognize necessary options for action.
Only with these competencies, climate protection can be realized effectively!

Moritz Strähle

Moritz Strähle

Moritz Strähle is a teacher of physics and mathematics at the Asam-Gymnasium in Munich and partially assigned to the Chair of Physics Didactics at LMU Munich. He works with his students in a variety of ways on the topic of climate change. Together with Cecilia Scorza, he coordinates and develops the overall project and supervises the teacher network.

Preserving the beauty and diversity of our planet, not only for our future generations, but for all living things, is of great concern to me. Education is one of the decisive keys for the necessary transformation in society!



Luis A. Núñez

Luis A. Núñez, profesor Jubilado del Departamento de Física, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela. Actualmente profesor Titular de la Escuela de Física de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga-Colombia.

Ayudar a construir ciudadanos conscientes del cambio climático, generadores y custodios de los datos es nuestra responsabilidad ineludible. Empezar por los jóvenes, por los estudiantes creando centros de ciencias en las escuelas es una acción que no puede esperar.


Jennifer Grisales

Jennifer Grisales es física y miembro del Grupo Halley de Astronomía y Ciencias Aeroespaciales de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia. Actualmente trabaja en la implementación del Handbook El Cambio Climático: ¡Entender y Actuar!, a través de clubes de ciencia en la población rural del páramo de Santurbán en la región de Santander

Tenemos un enorme reto: transformar la educación desde la raíz, en regiones desprovistas de herramientas. Si nuestro pilar es la curiosidad científica, será posible generar sensibilidad por la conservación de la naturaleza y mejorar en esa dirección, la calidad de vida de las comunidades.

Prof. Bernhard Mayer

Prof. Bernhard Mayer

Bernhard Mayer is a physicist and professor of experimental meteorology at Ludwig Maximilian Universität. In his lectures, he shows how global warming can be explained quantitatively using fundamental laws of nature. In his research, he focuses on the impact of clouds on weather and climate.

To master climate change, we need excellently educated and motivated scientists as well as engineers.

Marco Smolla

Marco Smolla

Marco Smolla is a PhD student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Together with his doctoral advisor Harald Lesch, he works as a theoretical physicist on complex systems in astrophysics.

The step from understanding to acting is particularly important to me!

Prof. Thomas Birner

Prof. Thomas Birner

Thomas Birner is a physicist and professor of theoretical meteorology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. In addition to his regular lectures on the fundamentals of atmospheric and climate dynamics, he regularly gives public lectures on climate physics and climate change. His research focuses on atmospheric phenomena in the transition region of weather and climate.

The causes and effects of current climate change can already be understood based on simple school physics and common sense. I would like to help bring this basic knowledge to young and old in such a way that sustainable action can become an effective fundamental principle of our society.


Prof. Dr. Christian Holler

Christian Holler ist Astrophysiker und Professor an der Hochschule München. Seine Schwerpunkte dort sind innovative Lehre und die öffentliche Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen zu den Erneuerbaren Energien.

Ein breites Verständnis der grundlegenden Größenordnungen, insbesondere beim Thema Energie, ist unabdingbar, um sich für die richtigen Maßnahmen zu entscheiden, die einen messbaren Impact erzeugen.


Thomas Keßelring

Thomas Keßelring ist Lehrer für Mathematik und Physik am Franz-Ludwig-von Erthal-Gymnasium in Lohr a. Main. Als Fachschaftsleiter für Physik und Klimaschutzbeauftragter der Schule treibt er intern Wissensvermittlungen und Aktionen zum Klimawandel und das Programm der Klimaschule voran. Zusammen mit seinem Bruder Markus Keßelring bildet er das Multiplikatorenteam für das Bildungsprogramm an Gymnasien in Unterfranken. Außerdem ist er an der Ausbildung weiterer Multiplikatoren bayernweit beteiligt.

Die Dreigliedrigkeit des Bildungsprogramms "Klimawandel - verstehen und handeln" aus Verstehen (wissenschaftliche Aspekte), Zukunftsgestaltung (u.a. Weg zu erneuerbaren Energien) und Handeln (Aktivitäten) ist für die kommenden Generationen enorm wichtig. Dies muss schon in der Schule Eingang finden, damit wir gemeinsam gegen den Klimawandel entgegentreten können.


Thomas Bauer

Thomas Bauer ist Lehrer für Physik und Mathematik am Bertha-von-Suttner Gymnasium, Neu-Ulm und ist dort Mitglied der Schulleitung. Zum Thema „erneuerbare Energien in der Schule“ arbeitet er schon seit seinem Studium. Er bringt dieses Thema SchülerInnen in Begabtenkursen, Seminare und im normalen Unterricht näher und koordiniert den Arbeitskreis der Gymnasiallehrer zum Thema „Erneuerbare Energien“.

Die Transformation unserer Energieversorgung ist die Aufgabe unserer Zeit. Nur durch Bildung erlangt man die Fähigkeit, rationale Entscheidungen zu treffen und die Notwendigkeit des Handelns zu verstehen!


Moni Saak

Monika Saak ist Lehrerin für die Fächer Mathematik und Physik an der Realschule Puchheim. Dort hilft sie als Seminarlehrerin angehende Physiklehrer und Physiklehrerinnen auszubilden.

Noch haben wir die Möglichkeit unsere Welt zu retten und Deutschland als so reiches Land sollte ein Vorreiter in Sachen Klimaschutz sein. Besonders in der Schule hat die Aufklärung und die Bildung bezüglich des Klimawandels für mich einen sehr hohen Stellenwert.


Dorle Lohn

Dorle Lohn unterrichtet Physik, Informatik, Mathematik und Elektronik am Gymnasium Gröbenzell und leitet dort die Physikfachschaft.

Als Lehrkraft möchte ich dieses Thema so vermitteln, dass deutlich wird, dass wirksames Handeln nötig und möglich ist. Jugendliche brauchen die Bildung, um die Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und die Hoffnung, dass  wir das gemeinsam schaffen können.


Florian Grassl

Florian Grassl unterrichtet Natur und Technik, Biologie und Chemie am Gymnasium Gröbenzell.

Es ist wichtig, den Fokus nicht nur auf die Probleme und Folgen des Klimawandels zu richten, sondern auch Handlungsmöglichkeiten und Auswege aufzuzeigen. Hierbei können wir an den Schulen einen großen Beitrag leisten.



Sabine Graf (Project Manager)

Sabine Graf is an astrophysicist and project manager at the Faculty of Physics at Ludwig Maximilian Universität in Munich. She manages the project Climate Change: Understanding and Acting. In particular, she supports the educational program in scaling and building a cooperation network.

Climate change is a matter of interest to all of us. Earth as a planet that enables life is unique and we have a responsibility towards our spaceship Earth.

Rudolf Pausenberger

Rudolf Pausenberger

Rudolf Pausenberger is a physicist and physics teacher at the CJT Gymnasium in Lauf a.d. Pegnitz. Internally and externally in school, he is dedicated to climate change through various groups and committees.

Saving our world is worth every effort, despite the now gloomy prognosis. My goal is to emphasize the absolute urgency of action at all levels. We still have a frame of a few years; only with an enlightened population can we achieve it!

Dr. Uwe Scheithauer

Dr. Uwe Scheithauer

Uwe Scheithauer is a physicist and has worked in materials and failure analysis for over 30 years. He has been an active member of Scientists for Future since 2019.

Approximately 13 billion years have passed since the Big Bang, and the Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. It is a place in the universe where biological systems have evolved over hundreds of millions of years, with humans evolving for about 1 million years. And since 400 years we have begun to understand these connections. Our civilization is threatened by global warming. We still have the possibilities to limit these man-made changes.


Prof. Bernhard Schmölzer

Prof. Bernhard Schmölzer

Bernhard Schmölzer is a professor at the Pedagogical Hochschule Kärnten - Viktor Frankl Hochschule, he is head of the Center for Didactics of Science. In his lectures, he conveys students (future teachers) subject-specific scientific as well as subject-specific didactic knowledge on climate change.

The project "Climate Change: Understanding and Acting" aims to bring about goal-driven changes in the students' own habits by raising their awareness, in order to be able to teach climate change authentically and with quality in their future work at schools.

Anette Regelous

Anette Regelous

Anette Regelous is a geoscientist at the Geozentrum Nordbayern of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. For several years, she has offered seminars for students focusing on climate change throughout Earth's history. In the project Climate Change: Understanding and Acting she develops the geoscientific modules together with Frank Holzförster.

The Earth system is in constant change. I am particularly interested in the processes behind these changes. Especially I am eager to show a wide perspective of climate change.

Frank Holzförster

Frank Holzförster

Frank Holzförster is a geoscientist and scientific director of the GEO-Zentrum an der Kontinentalen Tiefenbohrung (KTB). Together with his team, he offers experimental learning modules for schoolchildren and teachers in the local school laboratory. In the project Climate Change: Understanding and Acting he develops the geoscientific modules together with Anette Regelous.

Humans are now the most significant factor in changes to the Earth's surface. For society, such interconnections are far from being comprehensible. Therefore, I see environmental education and education for sustainable development as a fundamental contribution to improving the living conditions of all people on this unique planet Earth.

Alexandra Stumbaum

Alexandra Stumbaum

Alexandra Stumbaum has been a teacher of geography, german and philosophy at various Bavarian grammer schools since 2011, most recently at the Viscardi Gymnasium in Fürstenfeldbruck. Since 2021 she is assigned to the Chair of Physical Geography and Land Use Systems at the LMU, where she is responsible for the didactics of geography. Her main focus points are digitalization in geography education, climate change and human-environment relations, and individualized learning.

For the future of our planet and our students, we must value working out exactly how knowledge about the interconnections of climate change can be transferred into more concrete individual and political action.

Timo Graffe

Timo Graffe

Timo Graffe is a future teacher and studied at the Universität Mainz. In the project team, he is among other things responsible for the frame structure of the teaching materials.

I see anthropogenic climate change as the greatest challenge of the 21st century. For me, education is the key for getting out of the climate crisis. Only those who understand the problem are able to find a solution.



Johanna Spruck

Johanna Mauerer is a future teacher studying physics and mathematics at the LMU. She leads workshops for students at schools.

It is in our hands to protect our planet in order to preserve an environment worth living in. Teaching students about the causes of climate change and sustainable options for action in their everyday lives is a central key to achieving this goal.


You want to participate?

Become a part of the teacher network or our cental team!

Contact us, we are looking forward to your message!