

Teaching Modules

Materials and learning modules for secondary level I can be found here – the collection is constantly being expanded!

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>> To the teaching modules



The manual for the educational program Climate Change: Understanding and Acting contains a brief summary of the scientific background for teachers, but can also be used profitably in work with students. It also contains instructions and work assignments for the experiments in the climate kit.

>> Download Manual


LMU-Climate Kit

The climate kit was developed to enable students to experimentally experience the scientific background and consequences of climate change. With relatively simple setups, various scientific relationships can be investigated in student experiments, from the absorption of thermal radiation by CO2, to the albedo effect, to the acidification of the oceans.

>> To the LMU climate kit


Further materials

To further support teachers in their work, we provide a continuously updated collection of sources, further educational materials, videos and presentations as well as extracurricular learning sites. We are happy to receive suggestions!

>> Sources

>> Further Educational Materials

>> Videos and Presentations