Feedbacks and tipping points in the climate system

Status: Jul 2022

Since 1980, a significant increase in middle atmospheric temperature has been observed, which can be attributed to humans and the burning of fossil fuels. This increase in global temperature in turn results in feedback processes that can lead to a further increase in temperature.

Simple examples of self-reinforcing feedback and a mechanical tipping point model illustrate the content of this module.

Video on the module: What does it mean when the climate tips?

Materials on the module

The following chapter from the manual accompanies this module in terms of content:

  • Chapter 4: Anthropogenic climate change (pdf)
    especially sections 4.2: Feedback processes and 4.3: Tipping points

Suitable activities out of the climate kit:

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You have developed a suitable course unit (e.g. suitable for the LehrplanPLUS Jgst. 9 GY in Bayern) and would like to share it with other teachers?
Please contact us so that we can provide your work to other teachers. Thank you very much!