
Renewable energies MIDDLE in class

  • Instead of calculating the height energy of a high diver, calculate how large the potential of hydropower is?
  • Teach physics and at the same time lead current social discussions on energy transition?
  • Helping students to understand how much energy we use and why they are learning physics?

This is an approach that can easily be implemented in secondary school physics lessons. This enables current issues concerning the energy future to be communicated in a vivid way.


This is an approach that can easily be implemented in secondary school physics lessons. This enables current issues concerning the energy future to be communicated in a vivid way.

From these assessments, a working group of secondary school teachers developed a collection of teaching materials..


The aim of the here provided teaching materials is to convey the relevant facts about the energy transition to the students in physics lessons and to show them the necessity of the energy transition.
The aim is at the same time to use interesting and socially relevant topics to simultaneously teach physics content and skills as called for in the curricula.
This means that the teaching materials are meant to be taught in such a way that you essentially don't have to set aside extra time, but rather you teach what the curriculum dictates using these topics, thus accomplishing two goals at the same time.

Teaching materials

The teaching materials consist on the one hand of worksheets with which content such as energy or kinetic energy can be taught using examples of renewable energies. On the other hand, the handout contains materials with which one can estimate the potential and materials with experiments and further hints. There are detailed solutions for all materials.
All teaching materials are designed as a suggestion, can be adapted by teachers according to your individual needs, but can also be used in part or as a whole without further work, thus enriching the lessons.
The current materials and further references can be found on Renewable Energies in the Classroom | Climate Change: Understanding and Acting (klimawandel-schule.de)