Activity 11: Tipping points when the climate tilts

Rudolf Pausenberger and Moritz Strähle
Status: Mar 2023

If a tipping point is exceeded, a previously straightforward and predictable development can be amplified and accelerated by feedback to such an extent that the process can no longer be slowed down or reversed. To make this phenomenon tangible, one can work with examples (Activity 12) or with the mechanical tipping point model used here.


More materials like h5p-study units, videos and animations with Module - Consequences of climate change.

    Ausgearbeitete Lerneinheiten:



    Video: Tipping points in the earth system

    Technical questions and didactic comments

    Do you have a technical question about the experiment? Get in touch with us! We will gladly try to answer your question or forward it to an expert in our network. Answers to central or frequently asked questions will be published here.

    • With a little Tetris practice, the assembled model can also be stowed in the climate case. For this purpose, the wooden holder from Act. 5 and the Erlenmeyer flask can be stowed in the small wooden box.
    • As an alternative to the wooden frame, the support rod for the tipping point model can also be attached with tripod material.

    Are you missing an important reference? Please get in touch with us! We will be happy to take your suggestion and expand this compilation.